Article below is written by Evelyn Gibson



This year, I set out to lead a life with purpose and intention. I have news to share and I need your help fellow AusMumpreneurs.


A couple of months ago, I was successful in my selection to be part of a small group of women to be part of the “Immersion and Leadership” program that is part of a collaboration of The Hunger Project and Business Chicks.



What this meant is I am travelling to Senegal in West Africa in February next year to witness the good work that The Hunger Project already do in the communities.



The Hunger Project firmly believes that empowering women to be key change agents is an essential element to achieving the end of hunger and poverty. Wherever we work, our programs aim to support women and build their capacity.


Everything that I personally stand for aligns with this leadership opportunity.


  • Empowering women and children to lead healthy, fulfilling life of self reliance and dignity
  • That true and significant change starts from within
  • Sustainable help begins with desire, knowledge and upskilling


That is my purpose and why I am doing this.


Now my intent… I have committed to raise $10 000 to help The Hunger Project continue their good work. I have various activities in the pipeline, and here’s where I need your help.

  1. Contribute a tax deductible donation directly to my page
  2. The Hunger Banquet – 24th Nov Friday


I am also hosting a fundraising lunch and I am asking for some donations:

  • Donate gifts or products for luxe lucky dip (value over $100)
  • Purchase or donate bottles of wine for wine pull event


And if you are unable to help with any of the above, drop me a line anyway to wish me luck and I will know that I have successfully reached out to one more person today. I hope I have highlighted the global disparity in food security and I challenge you to make conscious and active decisions in your day to day. Get in touch with me on


I hope to show my children, my colleagues, my friends and my community what it means to have a:





As I end this article, below are some facts for you to ponder on :


Women and Children

  • 1 out of 6 infants are born with a low birth weight in developing countries.
  • Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to under-nutrition. This translates into the unnecessary loss of about 3 million young lives a year.
  • Every 10 seconds, a child dies from hunger-related diseases.
  • Globally, 155 million children under five years of age still suffer from stunting.


About our Ausmumpreneur Guest Writer :

Evelyn Gibson

Full time Production Manager at Spell and the Gypsy Collective
Owner @ Happy Hangup Baby Hammocks
40 year old warrior wannabe – looking to live and love with intention and impact